Royal Docks design guide:
Accessibility & inclusive design
Date: 2020
Publisher: Royal Docks
A landscape that's a joy to explore and that has everything you need. A place where natural beauty and historic artefacts are thoughtfully highlighted, and where every route is accessible, intuitive and suitably lit. This was the vision for the public realm and landscape in the Royal Docks, and four Design Guides were published that set out a detailed code for how to achieve this.
The Royal Docks was once a place united by a singular purpose as London’s largest port. Vast tracts of water where ships unloaded their cargo remain at its heart. But the Royal Docks’ purpose has changed. Now, the land around the docks is home or workplace to thousands of people, and a spot to relax, swim or visit for thousands more.

Inclusive Urban Design: A guide to creating accessible public spaces
Date: 2013
Publisher: BSI, CAE
This guide addresses how our public spaces, streets, and pathways can be inclusively designed to match the significant advances made in the last three decades regarding our buildings and our transport infrastructure.
The guide is seen as an essential reference for designers and also for local authorities seeking a one-stop-shop document suitable as a reference when drafting their local plan and other policy documents.
Drawing on the established language of planners, architects, landscape architects, urban designers and highway engineers, the guide applies an overlay of inclusive design principles and provides a framework for their application and evaluation.
Publications Contributed to by DBA:

Applying inclusive design principles to eco-town development: eco-towns inclusive worksheet
Date: 2009
Publisher: Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA)

Wheelchair accessible housing: Designing homes that can be easily adapted for residents who are wheelchair users
Date: 2007
Publisher: Greater London Authority

Open for Business: Creating a barrier-free customer experience
Date: 2005
Publisher: Employers' forum on disability

Customer access; Policy, technical aids and buildings: The 'Triple Audit'
Date: 2000
Publisher: Employers' forum on disability

Care home placement: Care or accommodation determined?
Date: 1998
Publisher: JRF with City of York Council

Lifetime homes "Perception" project: Residents' perception of lifetime homes
Date: 1996
Publisher: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Access to the workplace: a guide for employers
Publisher: Employers' Forum on Disability with The Bucknall Group

Making existing buildings accessible:
Museums and art galleries
Date: 2007
Publisher: CAE and RIBA Publishing

Design and access statements: How to write, read and use them
Date: 2006
Publisher: CABE

Open for Business: Taking the risk out of 2004
Date: 2004
Publisher: Employers' forum on disability

Accessible thresholds in new housing: Guidance for house builders and designers
Date: 1999
Publisher: The Stationary Office

Designing an accessible city: Guidelines for an accessible built environment for disabled people in the City of London
Date: 1998
Publisher: Corporation of London

Housing for people with disabilities: A design guide
Date: 1986
Publisher: London Borough of Islington Architects Department

Shared ownership, Lifetime homes: Making it work
Publisher: The Shared Ownership Lifetimes Homes Group
Relevant Publications:
There is now significantly more guidance relating to inclusive design available than there was when the Disability Discrimination Act was passed in 1995. Listed here are some that we have found useful alongside keeping up to date with the latest standards and innovations within the field.

Access to and use of buildings: Approved document M

Inclusive design standards: London Legacy Development Corporation

Easy access to historic landscapes

Easy access to historic buildings

Lifetime homes design guide

The access audit handbook: An inclusive approach to auditing buildings

Wheelchair housing design guide

Designing an accessible city: Guidelines for an accessible built environment for all in the City of London

Easy access to historic buildings

The Accessible Office: Designing the inclusive workforce

The colour, light and contrast manual: Designing and managing inclusive built environments

Sign design guide: A guide to inclusive signage
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