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Windsor Great Park

Client: The Crown Estate

Project completion: 2004


David Bonnett’s access audit of Windsor Great Park found that surfaces, gradients, signs and gates varied considerably across the estate, with some areas relatively easy to access and others not.


We advised that the benefit of access improvements would vary with frequency of use. Areas of high use are usually close to facilities such as shops and WCs. Areas of low use, although extensive, may require minimal physical intervention. Given these two distinctions we suggested that two standards of accessibility be applied.


Furthermore we suggested that access improvements be concentrated in those areas where major alterations were planned. In addition advantage should be taken of planned maintenance to achieve improvements, for example widening paths when routine trimming is undertaken.


The informal approach and apparent lack of regulation enhance the delight of areas such as Savill Garden. The informality is achieved by the absence of clutter such as notices and litterbins.  While making the garden more accessible might conflict with this ethos it need not necessarily be so, using the official map to indicate what is or is not accessible, and incorporating discreet improvements such as nosings on steps, passing places on paths, additional seats and improved signage. 

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Adelaide Wharf, London
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