Both Central and Local Government are aware that they need to be in the vanguard for providing accessible environments that as a minimum meet legislative requirements and preferably achieve best practice standards. DBA's advice is frequently sought from Government departments on how to improve existing buildings and design new ones that meet these aspirations
In accordance with this aim, and thereby setting a benchmark for others, Government clients consult staff organisations as widely as possible. DBA has developed well-tested methods to ensure effective consultation with both individual staff and staff representative organisations.
Governments overseas are increasingly aware of international expectations for Inclusive Design. Many countries without prescriptive legislation in place, now adopt UK standards and best practice. DBA provide a service for Governments and clients overseas who wish to apply UK access standards to such projects.
DBA Government and civic building projects in Westminster (above)
David Bonnett Associates is proud to have worked on a variety of audits and construction projects within Whitehall
Case Studies:
Image by Ugur Akdemir
Image by © Ad Meskens
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